Natural Ways To Boost Your Energy

18 03 2010

While I can’t teach you some magic method to increase how many hours you have in each day, I can help you make those precious 24 hours stretch further.

And there are two main ways of doing this:

  • Managing your time better
  • Increasing your energy

Increasing energy increases productivity and reduces stress, so it’s a vital thing for work at home moms to do.

The good news is, there are plenty of simple ways to increase your energy.

But before we get into that, let me use an example from my own life to display exactly how important this is:

When my daughter was almost a year old, I was juggling being a stay at home mom with building my business, as well as quality time with my partner, community involvement, and trying to get some ‘me’ time.  And I was really tired, every day.  Which meant that when my daughter went to bed – sometimes not until 10pm! – my only thought was to get to bed myself.

The problem with this is that you can rarely sleep yourself out of tiredness.  I know, it sounds wrong, but trust me… unless you are poorly or severely sleep-deprived, sleeping more is not the way to reduce your tiredness and gain more energy!  (And if you are really sleep-deprived; with a new born for example, just a night or two of unbroken sleep will get you back into feeling like a human, not a zombie… it doesn’t take long to recover.)

What I needed to do in those circumstances, and what you need to do if you’re experiencing similar, was to boost my energy naturally.

So, here are my top tips for naturally boosting your energy – leading to higher productivity, less stress, and more enthusiasm and passion for what you’re doing:

  • Diet – everything you eat either supports your body in performing well, or doesn’t.  And each time you eat something that doesn’t support your body, you put your energy levels (and everything else health-wise) one step behind.  Your body can’t run on stimulants like coffee and energy drinks long-term – and even in the short-term, these things will make you feel sluggish, anxious and will ruin your concentration.  Not good for a work at home mom.  Instead of these, make sure your diet is supporting your body.  Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables (there’s not many better energy snacks than a simple fresh banana), choose lean protein, and always opt for brown carbohydrates (bread, pasta, etc) to give a slow-releasing energy supply.
  • Water – drink at least 2 litres of water a day, preferably filtered tap water or bottled spring water bottled at the source.  Your body needs water, and without it, you will find that you will struggle to concentrate as your brain dehydrates.  Spice your water up with a squeeze of juice from a lemon, lime or orange.
  • Exercise – I don’t care how tired or busy you are right now, by making the time to exercise every day you will gain so much more energy that you will actually achieve more every day.  Exercise is addictive and puts you in an active frame of mind.  Sitting on the settee watching TV just doesn’t seem as appealing when you are on an exercise high.  And there are so many different types of exercise to choose from that there’s no need to do something you don’t enjoy.
  • Supplements – vitamin and mineral deficiencies are more common than people realise, and cause no end of health challenges including lethargy and excessive tiredness.  You need to support your body by supplementing high-quality supplements: a multivitamin and mineral made from 100% vitamins, plant derived minerals and phytonutrients, an antioxidant, and an Omega 3 made from pure fish oils.

By following these steps you will boost your energy within a matter of days, leading to more success for your home business.



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